Connecting People
with Kingdom Opportunities
We are a collaboration of leaders dedicated to maximizing ministry potential by meeting nonprofit challenges with business perspectives to advance Kingdom work.
Four Core Barnabas Group Distinctives
The Barnabas Group partners leverage their strengths for the benefit or ministries and the Kingdom.
We connect and network with ministries who learn from each other and share ideas and best practices.
The Barnabas Group provides a safe place for Christian leaders and ministries to connect.
We work together, encourage and engage one another, all with the same purpose: To be used by God, through what He places on your heart.
The Barnabas Group is collaborative – not competitive.
At any given meeting, you’ll find like-minded partners who have a heart to serve in the same category as you, providing peer-to-peer collaboration.

Partner Testimonials
The Barnabas Group keeps us constantly engaged and in the game with what God is doing around the Globe, and in our backyard…We are especially awestruck at the courage of these servants to put it all on the line for Jesus Christ.
I have met a lot of awesome people, and God is using the group to ignite in me a deeper passion for his kingdom by exposing me to an array of ministries led by people who are living courageously.