Benefits of Joining
Leveraging Business Acumen
Maximizing Ministry Potential
Strategic & Intentional
Ministries are chosen with great care, reviewed and vetted prior to presenting opportunities for service. Partners can trust the ministries are Christ-focused and responsibly run.
Professional & Relational
Made up of experienced professionals with time-earned skills and business acumen. Ministries come well-prepared. Building relationships with one another as well as ministry leaders is the basis of our success.
God-Focused & Ministry Minded
Ultimately, we desire to expand God’s Kingdom and grow stronger in relationship with Him. We do that by using our skills and passions to team up with exceptional ministries in meaningful ways.
Bold & Hopeful
We ask ministries to be upfront with their specific needs, and we go boldly forth with the hope of changing the world with our God-given gifts and divine appointments.
Servant Leaders & Faithful Stewards
We serve ministries with humility and a desire to come alongside, rather than dictate what should be done. We desire to steward the gifts and talents God has given us by using them to further His Kingdom.

Partner Based Mission
We aim to collaborate with other Kingdom leaders, collectively using our time, talents, and marketplace skills to help individual ministries in a way that is cohesive with their objectives, from small startups to large international organizations, helping to transform lives worldwide. Often times this is accomplished as partners meet other partners for the first time and come alongside ministries they are already engaged with!
Benefits of Partnership
Here is a small snapshot of the platform partnership provides each year for ministries and partners! What would happen if The Barnabas Group didn’t exist? There would be a tremendous void that would not be filled! Between the Orange County and San Diego chapters, these things happened this past year:
- We provide a unique platform that allows ministries — small to large — the opportunity to engage the time, talents and networks of our partners and attendees. This opportunity to get in front of 400 plus people would not exist without faithful partners that support the vision of the Barnabas Group!
- Each year partners have 5-8 well known Christian leaders come and challenge, encourage and educate us! Folks like General Jerry Boykin, Bruce Wilkinson, Bob Shank, Jim Daly, Alan Sears, Dr. Paul Nyquist, James Dobson, Phil Cooke, Dr. John Trent, Kara Powell and many others
- In Orange County, we offer an Associate Partner program for young men or women just out of college and starting their careers and families to get involved in TBG. There are mentoring dinners as well as opportunities to get millennials involved.
- TBG provides 2-4 seminars for ministries in Orange County and San Diego each year on subjects such as leadership, fundraising, Board development, grant writing, keys to a successful presentation by gifted professionals
- An active Facebook presence in Orange County and San Diego
- Videos of ministry presentations made available for ministries to use after they have presented at TBG. You can view these on this website.
- Each year we host several networking breakfasts for partners, new and old, to connect and network
- Over 30 ministries have tables at meetings to connect and network and get help from TBG partners
- Over 26 ministries present each year to TBG attendees
- Theme dinners for partners and spouses to come and just get together — Italian Dinner Night, Build Your Own Taco Night, Paella Night
- Seminars and breakfast for partners — speakers like Brian Fikkert, Jim Wise, Opal Singleton and others
- We offer opportunities to visit Israel every few years — hosted by Bob and Cheri Shank, Tom and Joann Doyle, and Jim and Suzy West
- Over 100 ministries interview with and are helped helped by our Faithworks team
- Annual party at Bob and Cheri Shank’s home in the Fall for partners
- Partnership with Hope International University allowing three ministries to present to their Business students 5 times per year to get them involved using their time and talents
- Gold sponsor at MIKA Community Development Fair and Three Man Basketball Event
- Completed a six month leadership study with Pepperdine MBAs 2014
- Business as Mission group start-up, led by Jim Seiler and Grant Van Cleve
- Discounted Golf outing at Monarch Beach, Strawberry Farms and Oak Creek a few times each year for partners
Life is not a spectator sport
Let’s get in the game! Become a Partner.