Thursday, October 12, 2023
7:30 am to 11:30 am
Continental breakfast served at 7:30 am
Seminar starts promptly at 8:00 am
Location: Concordia University
1530 Concordia West, Irvine, CA 92612
Denault Auditorium is located in #28 Grimm Hall South
The 4 Big Mistakes to Avoid with Your Nonprofit Board How Leaders Enrich Their Ministry Results Through God-Honoring Governance
Presented by: John Pearson
What You Will Learn:
• How to recruit and inspire the right people (with the right motives) to serve on your board, by focusing on the 4 phases of board recruitment.
• How to increase engagement, commitment, and generosity by understanding the 3 board hats: governance, volunteer, and participant.
• How to leverage the 3 Powerful S’s of your board members and CEO (Spiritual Gifts, Social Styles, and Strengths).
• How to discern God’s voice about your ministry’s future with a Rolling 3-Year Strategic Plan and a strategy that is owned by the board.
• Tools and insights for avoiding the 4 big mistakes that most ministries make (unwittingly!)
• Resources for inspiring your board members to be lifelong learners
• Templates for board meeting agendas, annual affirmations, and board retreats
Who should attend?
• TBG partners
• Ministry CEOs and Executive Directors
• Ministry board members
You must register to attend.
For questions, please contact Lisa Franco.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm PDT
Zoom Meeting
Join us for a Barnabas Ministry Open House on Zoom. It will be a time for you to ask questions and for us to explain the process for ministries to get more involved with The Barnabas Group. If you would like to be on this Zoom call, please register here and we will send you the link before the call.
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
10:00 am to 11:30 am
Online Zoom call for Plur Life Ministries
Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect. That’s what young people attending Rave music festivals are looking for. That’s why they coined the word, “PLUR” as their battle cry.
Since 2009, PLUR Life Ministries has been rescuing kids who are searching for “PLUR” by meeting them on their own turf: at Rave festivals. So what do a group of middle aged moms and dads and grandparents do in the parking lot of a Rave festival? Love on the kids. Give them a hot chocolate. Offer them a hug. Wrap them in a warm blanket. Call an ambulance if they need it. Protect them from predators. Tell them about Jesus. Invite them to a weekend camp in the mountains to learn more about Jesus. Give them a bead bracelet (collectors items in the Rave world) that points them to
Sometimes these kids seek out their “Rave Moms” at festival after festival, year after year. They know they’ll always find love and a hug without being judged. For some, this is the only place in their lives where they find those things. Learn more about this ministry at
PLUR will be present at about 8-10 of the 50+ Rave events held across the country this year. There’s only one thing stopping them from attending more: Not enough parents and grandparents who are willing to sacrifice a good night’s sleep to show Jesus’ love to kids in danger.
PLUR is asking our Barnabas Partners to come together and help them think through their Big Question.